Investment Strategy

Asset Allocation

The RMC’s asset allocation strategy is to achieve a highly diversified long-term portfolio return while maintaining acceptable levels of risk exposure (risk defined in terms of volatility of returns). This chart illustrates the Board-approved asset allocation targets.

As of June 30, 2023


The endowment return for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023 was 4%. The chart below shows the Rice endowment’s historical performance as compared to benchmarks.

FY23 Returns
FY23 Returns


To support the in-perpetuity status of the endowment, we believe a long-term portfolio should be:
  • Equity-oriented
  • Diversified
  • Invested in real assets such as natural resources
  • Value focused and valuation sensitive
  • Fee sensitive
  • Partnered with managers who have a real investment edge.

    Prospective Investment Partners

    If you are an investment manager or service provider not currently working with Rice University, please email your message and supporting information to We will contact you if we are interested in proceeding further. Thank you.